Neighbourhood Management

Seestadt is what we all make of it. Take part and get involved!
Team photo of the Neighbourhood Management Seestadt Aspern
© Amelie Chapalain / Stadtteilmanagement
The evolution of a new neighbourhood forges new communities and opens up new opportunities. The task of the Seestadt aspern Neighbourhood Management team is to help maximise these opportunities and deal with potential challenges at an early stage. We are a drop-in centre for everyone who lives, works or studies in and around Seestadt, or anyone else with an interest in the project.
The Neighbourhood Management team help new residents settle in and find their feet, facilitate the development of a lively community, provide information on the latest developments in and around Seestadt and support initiatives for active involvement in the neighbourhood.  

Seestadt is what we all make of it. Take part and get involved!

Want to know more about life in your locality?

We keep you abreast of the latest developments in your neighbourhood. Our team are at your service for all queries and input.

New to Seestadt?

We welcome you to your new home and help you find your way around. Visit the Neighbourhood Management office to pick up your free welcome bag and a copy of our new Seestadt map.

Want to get involved in community affairs at Seestadt?

We encourage active participation and provide space for interaction and engagement. Just drop by at the Neighbourhood Management office!


New ideas for the neighbourhood?

We'll help you translate them into action and put you in touch with like-minded others. Contact us for more info.

Interested in combining home life with work and/or education?

We're here to help with issues around returning to work and further education/training. Find out more about what's on offer!

Passionate about culture?

We'll get things started and partner you in developing culture in your neighbourhood. Make the most of our varied programme of events and activities!
Do you have questions or input about the local neighbourhood or community affairs? 

Opening hours

Monday 1.00pm – 6.00pm
Tuesday 9.00am – 13.00pm
Wednesday 1.00pm – 6.00pm
Thursday 9.00am – 6.00pm
Friday 2.00pm – 6.00pm

Just drop in, we'll be delighted to see you!

CAUTION: Due to measures by the federal government to prevent the spread of coronavirus our office will be closed until the 30th of April. Please contact us via e-mail or phone.

Address + Contact details

Hannah-Arendt-Platz 1 (ground floor), 1220 Vienna
T: +43 1 33 66 00 99